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5ft 4in



Curvy & Muscular

Hair Color:

Bleach Blond

Pubic Hair: Completely Shaved


Eye Color:


Measurements: 36"- 33"- 39"






Bra size:


Shoe size:

7 US


Zodiac Sign:



Sexy Stuff


Favorite Porn:  anal, amateur porn, i love watching porn where i know the people in it ;-) that for me ads another dimension to it. I love recording myself having sex and editing it into cool videos like this one I am working on now that has erotic hypnosis in it... and multiple clips of me giving a blow job! haha

Favorite Sex Toy: glass dildos (I own so many that I have been asked "Did you rob an adult store?" No silly I used to sell them from my home business… with 42 styles to choose from I think trying a dozen is reasonable!) and the We-Vibe 3. every couple should own a we-vibe. it would save so many marriages (not that I know anything first hand about married life) I also have some cool buttplugs.. I have a fur kitty cat tail plug, bunny tail,  a  feather "plume plug"

Mile High Club Member: no not yet.. once had sex on a train in the cramped little bathroom and wouldn't repeat that again.

Other Porn Name (Street + Pet): Oh, my 1st pet name+ my first street name right? Fluffy Carey. Not bad LOL


My Favorites


Books:  The Ethical Slut

Can't Live Without: friends, wine, my dog Seamus, the internet, my phone, good music and all of my awesome fans!!

Car: I love my Mercedes but thinking a Honda would be more affordable and still have power.

Clothing Brands: I wear whatever clothes looks good on me, I buy a lot of clothes at Salvation Army and Value Village! as for lingerie/photoshoot/webcam outfits, I looove all of the sexy lingerie that I find at the local sex shop and have an wish list if anyone is feeling like spoiling me or wants to play dress me up!


Shoe Brands: I have a shoe fetish I think.. I collect shoes, I love my shoes (don't tell anyone, but I have even had sex with one particularly sexy pair of stilettos).  I like 5 inch heels and go into a shoe store intending on getting flats… always end up coming out of the store with yet another pair of high heels


More Favorites...


Drinks: I like to drink white wine (Sauvignon Blanc), or if I'm out at a club with my friends I drink vodka and club soda with a wedge of lime. Simple. Sugar free. Less hangover.

Gadgets:  my phone, my camera, my computers (MacBook Pro and Dell inspiron)  and MY WEBCAM of course;)

Holidays / Festival: I Looove the zombie walk and I will always dress up for Halloween :) of course I dont wait for halloween to wear costumes!

Month/s: June, July, August.. I love the Summer!:)

Movies: The Royal Tennenbaums, Moonrise Kingdom, The King of New York, Scarface, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Dirty Dancing, XXX porn!!!

Pizza Toppings: American Pie - Ground Beef, Bacon, Tomato, Onion, Cheddar Cheese... it's like a bacon cheeseburger in a pizza format!

Social Cause: C.B.G.D. its a very rare neuro degenerative disease which affected my mother (R.I.P.) and there is really not anything known about this devastating condition, which is a lot like Parkinsons except much worse and faster acting.

TV Shows: I usually don't get to watch much TV because I'm usually webcamming,  or working on art projects or video editing. I like to watch Breaking Bad,  Project Runway, and the Dog Whisperer.

Vacation Spots: I need a vacation badly! Unfortunately I had some legal issues about 7 years ago and this prevents me from entering the U.S.A. but I can enter most other countries.

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